Fees received assumes 25% of children work on two subjects. Recommended fees of £60 one subject, £100 two subjects. The other costs to the business will be hall hire, staff wages, insurance, supplementary materials and home office.
Figures are given as subjects rather than children at a class as some children work on two subjects. The monthly tuition income assumes that approximately 25% of subjects are children working on a second subject, so a class with 30 subjects will have 22 children, 8 of whom will work on two subjects. £25 registration fees are not included in the monthly income figures.
The figures are based on our recommended fees of £60 one subject and £100 two subjects. We recommend
offering a discount for a child working on a second subject as it offers a significant point of advantage over our
major competitors.
Booklet cost is based on children using on average 5 booklets per week with 4.3 weeks in a month. The other costs to the business will be hall hire, staff wages, Copyright Licensing Agency fee, insurance, supplementary materials and home office. 1% of your turnover is also used to reinvest in marketing for each class.
Don’t be fooled by some of our competitors who change an extremely low initial franchise fee but then have high on going costs (around 40% of turnover).